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A small selection of media articles of our work. Not frequently updated.
The Hindu
Nearly 6 million trees disappeared from farmlands in three years, says satellite mapping study
The Guardian
One, two, tree: how AI helped find millions of trees in the Sahara
Der Traum von der großen grünen Mauer
The Conversation
How we mapped billions of trees in West Africa using satellites, supercomputers and AI
BBC news
Climate change: Amazon regions emit more carbon than they absorb
Der Spiegel
Amazonas-Regenwald stößt derzeit mehr CO₂ aus, als er absorbiert
The Guardian
Brazilian Amazon released more carbon than it absorbed over past 10 years
El Pais
El Sáhara esconde millones de árboles solitarios
The Economist
Arid areas have more trees than previously thought
Danske forskere finder overraskelse i Sahara
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